of the Order of Centurions GOOGLE CALENDAR of Fixed Feasts and Commemorations ![]() ![]() ![]() |
PRINCIPAL FEASTS AND FASTS Great Day of Easter with the Pascha Vigil
Ascension (Thursday - 40 days after Easter)
Pentecost (50 days after Easter)
Ember Days Four Seasons
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Sundays are feast days our our Lord througout the year
Wednesdays and Fridays are days of abstinence (fasting) and special devotion. Major Feasts and Fasts in bold
The noble army of Martyrs praise theeThe Circumcision of our Lord JESUS CHRIST - January 1st
Sacramentum of the Order - January 3rd
Theagenes, Legionary of Parium - January 3rd
Typasius, Legionary of Tigava, Martyr - January 11th
Alexander (Akimetes) Centurion, Monk - January 15 [430]
Confession of St. Peter Centurion January 18
Sebastian, Centurion, Martyr - January 20th [Diocletian's Purge]
The Conversion of Paul -- January 25th
Juventinus & Maximinus, Officers, Martyrs - January 26th [363]
The Presentation of CHRIST in the Temple
commonly called
The Purification of Mary the Virgin
-- February 2nd
Chaplains of the USAT Dorchester February 3rd
Cornelius, Centurion at Caesarea, Bishop - February 4th
Theodore Stratelates, Legatus, Martyr - February 7th
"Brother Lawrence" Nicholas Herman Soldier then Monk - February 12 [1691]
Lew Wallace, General, Evangelist - February 15
Joshua Chamberlain, General, Educator -- February 24th
Matthias the Apostle -- February 24th
Emeterius and Chelidonius, Legionaries of Calahorra, Spain - March 3rd
Adrian - Roman Officer & Martyr March 4th [304]
Chaplain John M Whitehead, US Army - March 7th
Sempronius, Centurion, & the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste - March 10th
Maximilian, Roman Conscript, Martyr - March 12th
Longinus, Centurion at Calvary, Martyr - March 15th
Marinus, Optio, Martyr -- March 17
Chaplain Joseph T O'Callanah, Lieutenant, US Navy Medal of Honor 18 March [1964]
Thomas Cranmer, Bishop, Soldier, Martyr -- 21 March
Nicholas von der Flue, Soldier and Hermit -- March 22nd
Joshua - Warrior and Judge of Israel - April 1
Deborah - Prophetess and Judge of Israel - April 3rd
Samson - Warrior and Judge of Israel - April 5th
Gideon - Warrior and Judge of Israel - April 7th
David, Warrior King of Israel - April 9th
David's Mighty Men - April 11th
Nehemiah, Combat Engineer, Military Governor - April 13th
Expeditus, Centurion, Martyr - April 19th
George, Centurion, Martyr - April 23rd
Sabas Stratilatus, Martyr Aurelian -- April 24 [270-275]
Daniel Daly, US Marine MOHx2, Knight of Coumbus -- 27 April
Philip and James, Apostles May 1st
Florian, Legatus, Martyr [303]
Luigi Lorenzi - May 4th [1945]
Chaplain Vasily Martysz - 4 May [1945]
Angelia Maria Tam - May 6th [1945]
Pachomius, Monk - May 9th [346]
Ischios, Magistrus, Martyr -- May 10th [286-305]
Gerald of Villamagna, Crusader, Hermit - May 13th
Thomas J. Jackson, General, Educator - May 10th
Achilleus and Nereus, Legionaries, Martyrs - May 12th
Constantine, Emperor - May 22nd
Emil Caupan, Chaplain - May 23rd [1951]
Julius, Soldier, Martyr - May 27th
Major Audie Murphy - Christian Hero of WWII 1971 [May 28]
Joan of Arc, Martyr - May 30th
Memorial for Fallen Veterans
Last Monday in May or other day according to local customFerdinand of Portugal, Knight, Crusader, Prince - June 5th
Barnabas the Apostle -- June 11th
Alban, Centurion, First Martyr of England - June 20th
Centurion at Capernaum - June 22nd
Nativity of John Baptist -- June 24th
Peter the Apostle -- June 29th
Christopher of Antioch - Legionarie -- July 9th [308]
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, "El Cid Campeador" General - July 10th [1099]
William the Silent - Ruler and General July 10th [1584]
Camillus of Lellis, Soldier, Religious - July 14th
Ivan "Vanda" Moiseyev, Soviet Amry Private, Martyr, - 16 July [1972]
Philippian Jailer, Veteran, - 19 July [ca 50AD]
Victor of Marseilles - 21 July [ca 290AD]
Theodore Ushakov the Righteous Admiral [July 23]
SS. Boris and Gleb, Passion-bearers [July 24th]
James (Bar-Zebedee) the Apostle -- July 25th
Ignatius of Loyola - July 31st
King Oswald & Aidan August 5 [642]
Florence Nightingale, Nurse to Combatants - August 13
Ursakios, Tribune, Martyr -- August 14 [286-305]
Chaplain Willie Doyle -- August 16 [1873-1917]
Andrew Stratilatus, Martyr -- August 19 [286-305]
Evgeny of Chechnya - August 20th
Centurio Luxurius, with Camerinus, and Cisellus - August 21th
Bartholomew the Apostle -- August 24th
Julian, Centurion of Brioude (Auvergne), Martyr - August 28th
Romillus, Preposit of the Imperial Court - September 6th (98-117)
Captain Leroy Homer and the Martyrs of the Attack on America - September 11 (2001)
Sergeant John R. Cash, Evangelist, September 12 [2003]
Holy Cross Day -- September 14th
Great Martyr General Placidas Eustachius - September 20th
Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist -- September 21st
Maurice, Centurion, & Theban Legion - September 22nd
Hunbert Roque "Rocky" Versace, Captain, POW, MOH, Martyr - September 26th
Michael, Archangel Militant, and all angels - September 29th
Anniversary of the Order of Centurions - September 29th
Ursus and Victory, Soldier of Theban Legion, Martyrs - September 30th
Peter Muhlenburg, Pastor, Soldier, Statesman - October 1st
Roman, Soldier, Othrodox Monk - October 2nd
Francis, Knight, Religious - October 4th
Francis Bloodgood Hall, Chaplain - October 4th [1903]
Martyr Davictus, Duke and eparchus[5], Maximian (286-305)
Sergios and Bacchus, Centurions - October 7th [Maximian 286-305]
General Casimir Pulaski, Father of American Cavalry October 11 [1779]
Robert E. Lee, General, Educator -- October 12th [1870]
Simon & Jude, Apostles -- October 28th
Luke the Evangelist -- October 18th
Ouar, Commander of the Tiana Cohorte -- October 19 [Maximian 286-305]
Artemius, Tribune -- 20 Oct [362]
John of Capistrano - October 23rd
Alfred, King & Warrior - October 26th
Demetrius of Thessolonica - October 26th [Maximian 286-305]
In Hoc Signo Vinces & Saxa Ruba - October 27th
Simon and Jude, Apostles -- October 28th
Fidelis, Exantus, and Carpophorus - October 28th
Marcellus, Centurion - October 30th
Gaianus, Centurion of thermageddon Chapel - October 31 [ca 225]
Joannicus, Legionnaire, Religious Member, November 4th
Julius - Centurion of the Augustan Cohort - November 8th
Martin of Tours - November 11th
Mennas, Legionary & Martyr November 11th
Remembrance-Veterans Day - and Lt. Col John McCrae - November 11th
Martyr Azes of Isauria and with him 150 soldiers 3rd century
Justinian the Great Warrior, Emperor, Defender of the Faith - November 14th
Chaplain (Major) Charles Joseph Watters, Medal of Honor - November 19 [1967]
Edmund, King and Martyr November 20th
C.S. Lewis, Lieutenant (GB), Apologist - November 22nd
Dacius the Soldier - November 23rd
Porphyrius the Soldier and 200 at Alexandria - November 25th
James Caldwell, Chaplain, Continental Army - 24 November
Mercurius of Caesarea in Cappadocia - November 25th
Clovis, Most Christian King November 28th
Andrew the Apostle -- November 30th
Anthemius, Chaplain to the Crusades & Bishop - December 3rd, 8th Century
George S. Patton, III - December 9th
George Washington- December 14th
60 Martyrs of Gaza - December 17th
Thomas the Apostle -- December 21st
Ischyrion of Alexandria, 22 Dec 250
Eve of the Nativity - December 24th
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ - December 25th
Stephen, Deacon and Martyr -- December 26th
John, Apostle and Evangelist -- December 27th
The Holy Innocents -- December 28th
Thomas Becket- Knight- Archbishop - Martyr - England [29 December 1170]
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Centurions - 5:38 AM 9/23/2018