of the Order of Centurions Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you SITE SEARCH & CONTENTS |
WORD: "Meditate on Holy Scripture"
Lectio Divina . Orthodox . Traditional Anglican . Traditional Lutheran . Traditional Roman . Roman Mass and Offices
PRAYER: "Pray without ceasing"
Daily Litany . Chapel of the Centurions . Centurion Hymnal . Prayers of the Order .COMMENTARY: "Fear God and do what is Right"
Orthodoxy Today . Touchstone . First ThingsSERVICE: "Love God and neighbor"
Other Resources
"Standing Orders" . Labarum Guard .COMMUNICATE: "To do good and to communicate forget not"
Centurions List Server . Centurions Forum Blog . Net EtiquetteBIBLE RESOURCES: "Thy Word is true from the beginning"
Bible Gateway . KJV Bible . New English Translation Bible . Psalms in Metre . Parallel Bible . OnLine Bible . Psalter . Through The Bible Audio . Download_KJV . Vulgate & KJV . HTML KJV Bible
EDUCATION: "Teacheth the way of God in truth"
Centurion Seminary .EARLY CHURCH HISTORY: "I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works"
Christian Classics . Why Read the Classics? An Introduction by CS Lewis . Didache: Teaching of the Twelve Apostles . Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus . Church Timeline . Liturgical History . Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions . Biblical Archaeology . Early LiturgyROMAN ARMY HISTORY: "Blessed be the Lord... who teacheth my hands to war"
Red Rampant . Legions . Roman Forum . Roman Army Ranks . Shield Designs .RESOURCES: "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and ... getteth understanding "
Camp Store . Chapel Lessons & Homilies . Soldier's & Sailors Prayer Book . Bible Resources . Bible Studies Foundation . Biblical Exergisis . Hermeneutics . Biblical Studies on the Web . Anglican Library . CrossGuide . New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia . Biblical Names Pronunciation . Oxford KJF Word Pronunciation . Theopedia
ECCLESIA: "And so were the churches established in the faith"
Servants of the Church . Affiliation & Philosophy . Calendar. OrganizationARTICLES: "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser"
"Standing Orders" . Are You Fighting? . Just War . Martyr Soldiers . Does God Still Speak to Soldiers? . Martin Roth . Onward Christian Soldiers Part I, Part II .What is the Church's Stand on War? "Should Christians Fight? " .OTHER LINKS: "Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning"
Centurions Victory Arch . Chapel of the Centurion, Fort Monroe, Virginia . Lee Chapel on the Southfork . Fair Use (Title 17) . Tax Guide .
Copyright 2003-2018 | Order of Centurions - Updated 22 September 2018