Saint John Baptist
Campton, Kentucky
"A voice crying in the wilderness"Saint John Baptist - Anglican Church is a ministry that seeks to bring to the mountains of Eastern Kentucky the historic Anglican faith and practice. It is the faith and practice that our forefathers held to include such men of the cloth as Charles and John Wesley and important figures in the history of our land such as Captain John Smith of Jamestown, President George Washington, and General Robert E. Lee. The first worship service in Kentucky was an Anglican Morning Prayer service beneath a large Elm tree in Boonesboro.
Our worship services are Anglican and we use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and the King James Version Bible. These two books have done more to shape the modern English language than any others - and both are literary treasures. The Prayer Book itself is based on the Bible. We hold that all things necessary for Salvation are contained in Holy Scripture. Our worship practice has been handed down from the time of the English Reformation, providing a reformed style of worship like that of the Early Church. Our worship is liturgical, and the people are as much a part of the service as are the ministers. We say or sing the ancient psalms and canticles throughout our worship, recite the ancient creeds and the Lord's Prayer. Our service includes readings from Holy Scripture that take us through most of the Bible annually. We use the 1940 Hymnal and other hymnals for our worship containing traditional worship language.
We are Evangelical in that we are Bible-based; Reformed, following the doctrine of the 39 Articles of Religion; Orthodox in looking to the Ecumenical Councils of the Early Church; and Catholic believing what all orthodox Christians everywhere have held since the beginning, and being expressed in the Apostles' and Nicene creeds.
Our fellowship gathers in the Red River country of Wolfe County, Kentucky. Our witness to the orthodox Anglican faith is truly "a voice crying in the wilderness". Our home is located next to one of the wildest regions of the United States, the Red River Gorge Cliffty Wilderness, where we sometimes venture for a walk in the wild. All Christians and seekers are welcome. We gather at the Louise Lee Winchip Chapel on the Dessie Scott School Campus in Pine Ridge Kentucky at 9:30am Sunday. Contact us for more information.
Bill James and Mark Carroll
On the day of dedication, 24 June 2005
More picturesDedicated on the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John Baptist ALMIGHTY God, by whose providence thy servant John Baptist was wonderfully born, and sent to prepare the way of thy Son our Saviour by preaching repentance; Make us so to follow his doctrine and holy life, that we may truly repent according to his preaching; and after his example constantly speak the truth, boldly rebuke vice, and patiently suffer for the truth's sake; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Lessons for the Feast Day
Selected Hymns
Saint John Baptist News Article - May 4, 2006 Worshipping with the 1928 Book of Common Prayer
1928 Prayer Book . 1940 Hymnal . Kalendar . Lectionary
Prayer Book Society . NOEL
Prayer Books . 39 Articles Anglican Teaching . Anglican Books Revitalized . Alexander Nowell 1570 Catechism . Liturgical Resources . Anglican Theological Review . English Church Society . Prayer Book History . Rationale upon BCP . Cranmer's Sentences . 1789 BCP . Our Liturgy . COE Homilies (old spelling) Anglican Library Project Canterbury Harmon's Titus 1:9 . The BCP Its Origins and Growth . A Short History of the BCP . Online Anglican Magazine . Saint John Baptist Prayer Book . www.TheTruthAboutTheDivinci
Saint John Baptist - Anglican, Incorporated is organized as a nonprofit corporation in Kentucky and is a parish in union with the Anglican Church of Virginia. Donations are tax deductible and will be used to support our local mission and other worthy causes in Eastern Kentucky and elsewhere. For more information contact Bill James
Louise Lee Winchip
Thank God for the life of Louise Lee Winchip, former Director of Dessie Scott Home School for Children, Pine Ridge, Kentucky. Mrs. Winchip dedicated her life to this mountain mission. She was kind in providing to Saint John Baptist - Anglican, the use of a beautiful new chapel to provide Sunday morning services on the campus. Our last contact with Ms. Winchip was through a messenger who came to the chapel to convey Mrs. Wichip's thanks to us as we cleaned the chapel grounds on Wednesday 6 July 2005. Mrs. Winchip died one week later on Wednesday, 13 July 2005. She was a member of the Writer's Club, a board member of the National Home Missions, a member of Kentucky Group Child Care Association and a Kentucky Colonel. Louise Winchip was also a Kentucky Olympic Torch Bearer in 2002. Pray for the continued viability of the Dessie Scott Home that she loved and to which she dedicated her life; pray for the children who pass through its portals.
Saint John Baptist Anglican | Campton, Kentucky | 2006