![The Chapel of the Centurion Good Shepherd Window](./images/f1.jpg) Photo by Ch. David Scharff 2006 F1
"Good Shepherd"
1933 - II Timothy 4:7
To the left of the center window given in memory of Chaplain (Colonel) Edmund Easterbrook by his five children; Arthur, Gladys (Mrs. J. Lawton Collins), Wilfred, William, and Ernest (Major General). Chaplain Easterbrook developed the General Protestant Worship format while stationed here. He served as Chief of Chaplains in 1928-29. The 1st Plaque reads "I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. II Tim 4:17". The second plaque reads, "In Memoriam: Col. Edmund P. Easterbrook, Chief of Chaplains U.S. Army Born: Dec 2?, 186? Died: Jan 1?, 19??